Nobivac Canine 1 Dappv + L4 25 x 1ds

Nobivac Canine 1 Dappv + L4 25 x 1ds
Nobivac Canine 1 Dappv + L4 25 x 1ds
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Nobivac Canine 1 Dappv + L4 25 x 1ds

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Product Description

NOBIVAC® Canine 1-DAPPvL4 has been shown to be effective for vaccination of healthy dogs 8 weeks of age or older against canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 1 (hepatitis), canine parainfluenza virus, canine parvovirus, L. grippotyphosa, L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, and L. canicola. Also effective against mortality and leptospiruria (shedding of Leptospira in the urine) caused by L. canicola, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. pomona and L. grippotyphosa.
-Safety confirmed in 749-dog field study1
-Proven safe across a variety of dog breeds and ages
-Featuring an even higher level of quality due to VacciPure™ filtration


• Contains gentamicin and amphotericin B as preservatives.
• Vaccinate only healthy, non-parasitized dogs.
• Do not vaccinate pregnant bitches.
• The use of a biological product may produce anaphylaxis and/or other inflammatory immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions. Antidote: Epinephrine, corticosteroids, and antihistamines may all be indicated depending on the nature and severity of the reaction.
• The age at which maternal antibody for canine parvovirus no longer interferes with the development of active immunity varies according to the bitch’s titer and quantity of colostral antibodies absorbed by the puppy.
